Live It Out Devotional: A Field Guide To Loving Like Jesus
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Live It Out: A Field Guide to Loving Like Jesus is a 25-day devotional designed to help kids discover what it truly means to live like Jesus by embracing His greatest command—love one another. Through interactive devotions, engaging activities, and meaningful reflection, kids will explore five key ways to love others: serving, accepting, forgiving, teaching, and living in peace.
Jesus showed us the best way to live. He said our goal should be simple: LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
We love like Jesus when we…
- Serve One Another
- Accept One Another
- Forgive One Another
- Teach One Another
- Live in Peace with One Another
In this field guide, we’ll explore what Jesus had to say about these big ideas. We’ll see how Jesus lived them out in His own life. We’ll get a glimpse into how other people in the Bible lived them out too. And… we’ll discover how we can live out Jesus’ love today.
It’s the adventure of a lifetime… let’s get to it and LIVE IT OUT!