Before You Go: Following Jesus and Growing in Your Faith After High School (Ages 17-19)

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A guide for graduating teens to help maintain and grow their faith in college.
Life is constantly changing, and with every new season comes a new set of challenges. As teens prepare to leave high school behind and move into a new season of college and "adulting," this book will serve as a guide to help them maintain and grow their faith in college.
In this book, they'll find letters from college freshmen, 10 ideas that will help prepare them for what's ahead, and questions to help them process and apply what they've read.
"As I looked through Before You Go, I kept thinking of teenagers I want to read this book now or in the future when they graduate from high school. My own kids are at the top of that list. I'm confident you're going to have the same urge to get this book to every high school senior or college freshman you know." —KARA POWELL, PhD, Executive Director of the Fuller Youth Institute and co-author of Growing Young
"This book is profoundly practical, wonderfully helpful, super-interesting, and deeply rooted in Gerald's own personal story." —CLAY SCROGGINS, Lead Pastor of North Point Community Church and author of How to Lead When You're Not in Charge
"If I had these conversations before I went, I would have known I wasn't the only one feeling this way..." —College freshman"I feel like this will be even more helpful after I start college and I can look back on what I wrote in the book." —High school student
"After reading this I feel like I'm ready to go to college now." —High school student
"I've never actually thought about how important giving is. My parents give so I never thought about it." —High school student
"I think every senior small group at our church should read this and answer the questions together." —High school student