Ready, Set, Move! A Kid's Devotional on the Journey of Faith | 30-Day Devotional (Ages 7-12)

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Ready, Set, Move! is a 30-day journey through faith for kids—a devotional designed to help your kid understand how faith can change their life in a big way.
Faith is a word we hear all the time. But what does it mean? What is faith and what does it mean to have it? Is faith just believing in something or is there more to it?
In this book, kids join authors, Jon Williams, Brandon O’Dell, and Kellen Moore (from the The So & So Show found in the Parent Cue app and on the Parent Cue YouTube channel), as they go on a journey to discover faith—what it means to have faith and how faith can change our lives in BIG ways.
The writer of Hebrews says faith is a journey. And, we can help our kids get ready… get set… and get moving on that journey of faith!
This interactive and dynamic devotional includes:
- 30 devotions and scripture for each day
- Engaging and fun activities on almost every page
- “Dialogue” and fun facts from Jon, Brandon, and Kellen
- Bonus So & So Show content linked to the included QR codes
This devotional is best for kids ages 7-12. Ready, Set, Move! can be used at any time of the year by any kid, any family, any classroom, or any church. This devotional also aligns with 252 Kids and Preteen curriculum and Orange VBS for Summer 2023.
Jon Williams has 14 years of writing, performing, and curriculum-developing experience for our parent company, The reThink Group (Orange). He is also a professional actor who can be seen in various projects on the small and big screen. His favorite food is pizza, he loves comic books and all things soccer, and is a big believer in the power of laughter. He lives in Atlanta with his amazing wife and two kids.
Brandon O'Dell has been writing for children since 1998. He began contract writing for The reThink Group (Orange) in 2005 and joined staff full-time in 2007. He has written for 252 Basics, Camp Kidjam, Feature Presentation, and for the Orange Conference. Now he is the head writer and co-star of The So & So Show, weekly videos that teach Bible stories and principles to preteens. Brandon has a BFA in Musical Theatre from Shorter College. He’s married with three amazing children.
Kellen Moore is a nationally known speaker and leader, but most kids know him from the award-winning YouTube sensation, The So & So Show. He’s from California, super-tall, immediately recognizable, and totally relatable. When he’s not making waves like the ones he talks about in this book, he and his wife, Katie, are making life one big dance party.